Prosecutes criminal offences and advises police, lawyers and the public on matters related to the administration of justice.
Responsible for all stages of prosecution including charges, plea discussions, bail hearings, trials at all levels of court and summary conviction appeals.
Crown Attorney, Peterborough - George St N, Peterborough - George St N
Prosecutes criminal offences and advises police, lawyers and the public on matters related to the administration of justice. * Responsible for all stages of prosecution including charges, plea discuss ... [More]
Office of the Provincial Justice of the Peace. * Only handles matters relating to: * criminal offences * provincial matters sucha as seat belt violations * other Highway Traffic Act tickets * Justices ... [More]
Official courts that determine legal remedies according to the laws of Ontario and Canada. * Composed of provincially appointed Judges and Justices of the Peace. * Justices of the Peace have jurisdict ... [More]