We provide non-medical resources and community support services to individuals living with an acquired brain injury (ABI). These supports include community integration strategies, referrals, program activities and social events. Services are provided at the head office in Peterborough and on an outreach basis in the four counties.
Client Service Coordination - Community support services for adults living with the effects of an acquired brain injury (ABI). Supports assist clients to build and maintain independence. Supports are based on a step-down model (intensive 1:1 supports, stepping down to weekly, monthly, and quarterly supports as independence builds. Referrals to other community services as appropriate help to ensure that clients' needs are met in the right setting.
Coordinated Care Café (CC Café - Peterborough)- for adults living with the effects of an acquired brain injury, mental health and/or addictions and other co-occurring conditions/ disabilities - Supports are delivered within a wrap-around model of care with a Case Manager, Complex Case Worker, and a Recreation Therapist in the CC Café.
Adult Day Program - the ABI Day Service offers social, recreational, and therapeutic activities, for people with acquired brain injury, in a group setting. The staff team - ABI Day Service Coordinator, Recreation Therapist, and RTA/Facilitators work to support individual client needs and interests, as well as family caregivers who provide day-to-day care. Some virtual programming is offered in hybrid sessions (on-site and virtual attendances) to maximize access to programming (remove transportation/attendance barriers).
Peer Support - OBIA Peer Support Mentoring Program Coordinator (BIAPR staff) connects a volunteer Mentor (trained) with a Partner who is living with an ABI. This is primarily a phone program and Mentors are matched with Partners across Ontario.
ABI System Navigation (Advocacy/Education & Awareness) - the ABI System Navigator works with people with an acquired brain injury, caregivers, family members and professionals with accessing support services, education, or training on ABI management. ABI System Navigation can include advocating and support for integrated service care, transitional planning providing links to resources in the respective communities. The System Navigator's role is to identify resources, enable accessibility and to assist with removing barriers for individuals living with ABI.
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm (Office may be closed for special programs or staff training. Call to confirm)
Services are delivered to registered members- 9:30 am-3 pm at the Peterborough Centre
Peterborough Day Service and Coordinated Care Café Day Service - Mon - Fri 9:00-3:00 and in City of Kawartha Lakes Fri only 9:00-3:00
Areas Served
Haliburton County ; Kawartha Lakes ; Northumberland County ; Peterborough ; Peterborough (County of)
18- 65 years . ABI System Navigation available to all ages
Access to services is initiated with completion of the BIAPR Application for Service form available on the website or call 705-741-1172 for assistance. The application is provided to primary care professionals, individuals with an ABI and their care provider. Visit website www.biapr.ca for Application for Service
None - for direct service ; Fees may apply for special events or extra activities.
Description We provide non-medical resources and community support services to individuals living with an acquired brain injury (ABI). These supports include community integration strategies, referra ... [More]