A crime-prevention initative facilitated by the auxiliary officers. * Helps community members take an active role in making their homes less susceptible to criminal activity * Members of the Auxiliary ... [More]
Responsible for community policing in the City of Peterborough, Village of Lakefield, and Township of Cavan-Monaghan. * Responsible for preservation of peace and public order, enforcement of the law, ... [More]
Police alert notification service to promote the safety of citizens and protection of property via delivery of messages through social media (Facebook and Twitter). Messages are sent on the followin ... [More]
Providing community policing to the communities of Peterborough, Lakefield and the Township of Cavan-Monaghan. Responsible for preservation of peace and public order, enforcement of the law, preventio ... [More]
Police-based victim services program provides post-incident and long-term information, referral and support to victims of crime and tragic circumstances * Mandated to respond to people victimized in: ... [More]