Provides transportation and accompaniment service for seniors, people with disabilities and anyone of any age who needs extra help for the following activities:
medical appointments, local or out of town
grocery and personal shopping
social and community events
Agency staff are first aid and CPR certified, fully insured, licensed with the City of Peterborough, Vulnerable Sector checked, and certified as a Veteran's Affairs Canada service provider
Seniors, individuals with special needs, and those unable to drive themselves
Call for information
Address and Location
Located In Community
Address & Map
Peterborough, ON Canada
Physical Access
Partially Accessible - vehicle can accommodate a folder wheelchair or walker ; Individual must be able to self-transfer in and out of a vehicle with some assistance. Walkers, transporter wheelchairs and service dogs are welcome.
Driving Miss Daisy Seniors' Services, Mobile Service
Provides transportation and accompaniment service for seniors, people with disabilities and anyone of any age who needs extra help for the following activities: * medical appointments, local or out of ... [More]